Wind Ensemble
The Wind Ensemble is the most advanced ensemble in the band program. This ensemble requires an audition. Created in 2008, the group has placed many members in the All-District, All-State, and Bands of America Honor Bands. In addition to this, several members study privately and perform with various community honor ensembles. The serious music student will explore the art of music, from the classical “standards” by the master’s to pieces by contemporary composers. The student will learn advanced technique and musical concepts. The Wind Ensemble performs music routinely on level VI and Masterwork lists. The group has earned Superior Ratings at the Music Performance Adjudication eight times in twelve appearances. This group commissioned and premiered “On Golden Wings” by Michael Oare in 2016. Additionally, the ensemble was selected to perform for the 2020 North Carolina Music Educator’s Conference and the 2020 Grand National Adjudicators Invitational in Atlanta. This Ensemble is FULL YEAR and is an Honors Credit Course.